
Sacroiliac Joint Injections

Sacroiliac Joint Injections services offered in Clarkston, MI

Sacroiliac Joint Injections

Sacroiliac joint injections diagnose or treat low back pain that comes from the joint that connects your spine to your pelvis. Here at Clarkston Pain and Rehab, the experienced team of medical professionals in Clarkston, Michigan, offers sacroiliac joint injections to patients who have pain related to the sacroiliac joint that manifests as lower back pain. Call today or use the online tool to schedule your appointment to find out if these pain management injections can help you.  

What is a sacroiliac joint injection?

A sacroiliac joint injection can alleviate pain and diagnose certain conditions related to the sacroiliac joint. This joint is located in the lower back and connects the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine) to the ilium (the bone of the pelvis).

What types of conditions can sacroiliac joint injections treat?

If you’re experiencing chronic lower back pain, the team at Clarkston Pain and Rehab may recommend a sacroiliac joint injection. Not all back pain responds to these injections. Sacroiliac joint injections are most effective when lower back pain is attributed to inflammation or dysfunction of the sacroiliac joint.

The injections provide therapeutic relief by reducing inflammation with a dose of corticosteroids and serve as a diagnostic tool to confirm the source of pain.

What is it like to get a sacroiliac joint injection?

During the procedure, you lie on your stomach, and the specialist uses fluoroscopy or ultrasound technology to accurately guide a thin needle into the sacroiliac joint. The needle transmits a combination of anesthetic and anti-inflammatory medication into the joint to reduce pain and inflammation.

Are sacroiliac joint injections painful?

You may experience brief discomfort during the injection, but this is typically well-tolerated. Following the procedure, it's common to experience temporary relief from pain due to the anesthetic. 

The anti-inflammatory medication takes some time to work, and the full benefits may be realized in the days following the injection.

How long do the effects of a sacroiliac joint injection last?

Some people may experience relief for several weeks to months, while others may find even longer-lasting benefits. 

Sacroiliac joint injections are often part of a comprehensive pain management plan, and various factors can affect their effectiveness, including the nature of your pain and your body’s personal response.

How frequently do you recommend a patient get sacroiliac injections?

The frequency of injections depends on your personal response and the underlying condition. Some patients may find relief with a single injection, while you may benefit from a series of injections over time. 

The team at Clarkston Pain and Rehab assesses your response and adjusts the treatment plan accordingly.

If you’re struggling with sacroiliac joint pain, contact Clarkston Pain and Rehab today. Call the office or set up an appointment using the online feature.