
Ultrasound Guided Injections

Ultrasound Guided Injections services offered in Clarkston, MI

Ultrasound Guided Injections

Ultrasound technology allows for real-time visualization of structures like tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints, facilitating precise delivery of injections. At Clarkston Pain and Rehab in Clarkston, Michigan, the experienced team of medical professionals uses ultrasound-guided injections to safely administer pain-relieving injections directly into the areas that will benefit. Call today or use the online tool to schedule your appointment and benefit from the accuracy of ultrasound-guided injections. 

What are ultrasound-guided injections?

Ultrasound-guided injections involve the use of ultrasound imaging to precisely administer therapeutic injections for pain management. 

This technology allows the team at Clarkston Pain and Rehab to visualize internal structures in real-time. They don’t have to guess where to insert the medication or anesthetic; the ultrasound imaging ensures accurate placement of the injection needle.

Who is a candidate for ultrasound-guided injections?

The team recommends ultrasound-guided injections for a variety of pain conditions, including:

  • Joint pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Nerve-related pain

These injections are particularly useful when the team needs precise targeting of specific anatomical structures to get you relief.

What is it like to get ultrasound-guided injections?

During the procedure, your specialist uses an ultrasound machine to see an image of the treatment area in your body. This involves applying a gel to the surface of your skin so the ultrasound wand glides smoothly over your skin.


They then guide a needle in real time to the exact location where the therapeutic agent, such as an anti-inflammatory medication or a pain-relieving steroid, needs to be delivered.

What are the advantages of ultrasound-guided injections?

The primary advantage of ultrasound-guided injections is the ability to visualize the internal structures in real time. This precision enhances the accuracy of the injection, ensuring that the anesthetic or medication reaches the intended location, maximizing effectiveness and minimizing potential complications.

Do ultrasound-guided injections hurt?

You may experience mild discomfort during the injection, but most people tolerate the procedure well. The effects of the injection, such as pain relief or reduced inflammation, often take a few days or a week to fully develop. Usually, you can go back to your normal activities shortly after the procedure.

How long do the effects of ultrasound-guided injections last?

How long you get pain relief from ultrasound-guided injections varies depending on the type of agent injected, the treatment area, and your body’s personal response. Your provider discusses your pain management plan with you and helps you understand what to expect.

Call Clarkston Pain and Rehab or use the online tool to book an appointment so you can benefit from the effective pain relief provided by ultrasound-guided injections.